Getting to the Source
The Itsekiri homeland stretches along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Niger River to Ondo State in Nigeria. The land mass is crisscrossed by a complex system of rivers and creeks carrying salt water. The only sources of fresh water are rainwater and shallow wells.
The Itsekiri homeland accounts for about 30% - a disproportionately large amount, of Nigeria oil production. Despite the oil riches of our homeland, it remains grossly underdeveloped in terms of the formal economy, infrastructure, and public services. Oil spills and gas flares from oil exploration and production have caused severe environmental pollution of the coastal regions, including its rivers and streams, depriving the Itsekiri their main occupation of fishing.
In 2010, Ugbajo Itsekiri USA sent a team on a fact-finding visit to the Itsekiri homeland with the mandate of identifying the basic needs of the people. The scouting team determined that access to water would have the most immediate and far-reaching impact on the lives of the people.
Subsequently, Ugbajo has devoted considerable resources to provide potable fresh water to select Itsekiri rural communities.
Thus far, we have funded the building of solar-powered equipped pumps in Aja-Igba, Jakpa, and Orugbo. Our current goal is to construct solar-powered boreholes in two more Itsekiri communities in the Benin River of the Delta State of Nigeria.
Please donate to support this critical work.